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Reschedule Loans

Loan rescheduling refers to re-negotiating / restructuring of a loan between the MFI and the borrower so as to adjust/ revise the original loan terms (Period, Interest or even amount) to make it flexible for the borrower to pay. This could be because the borrower is no longer financially able to meet the original repayment schedule.

Rescheduling of a loan can be done in different ways:
1.You can add some extra installments and repartition the principal amount over the remaining installments;

2. You can change the amounts paid with every installment (as long as the total Principal amount remains equal to the Loan Amount);

3. You can change the remaining due dates, so that the loan remains current (not in arrears).

4. Rescheduling can be done at any point of the loan cycle after approval, but you can only reschedule installments after the last repayment done.

5. Also ensure that the feature "Always Recalculate Interest at Repayment if Declining Balance" under System/Configuration/Loan Product Settings/General is activated.

How to reschedule a loan

To reschedule a loan go to Loans/Reschedule Loan a screen like one below appears.

Choose the loan number e.g. KA/000005 and click next and the system will direct you to the "Reschedule a loan" screen as seen below:

Note that: If you need to reschedule earlier installments, you can delete the last repayment, reschedule and re-enter the payment. The system doesn't reschedule installments already made. As indicated by the yellow fields.

Note that in case you would not want to charge interest on the additional installments, you enter zero in this field.

Please note that the rescheduling can be done at any point of the loan cycle after approval, but you can only reschedule installments after the last repayment done.

You can change it. If you do not charge interest on the additional installments, enter the interest rate as zero.

If necessary, mark the option "Interest calculation in days?". The "Additional Interest" amount will be calculated automatically.

Please note that this does not change the original interest amount. 

Click on the "Save" button to save the changes.


To reschedule a group loan, you open the "Reschedule a loan" screen like one below appears

Click on "Reschedule Member Dues" button and an additional screen like one below appears.

The feature of reporting due dates to the next or the previous working day becomes active when you save the rescheduled due dates (see "System/Configuration/Set Working Days").

To cancel the changes made and return to the original loan repayment schedule, click on the "Revert" button.

To leave the "Reschedule a Loan" screen without making any changes, press the "Cancel" button.

To reschedule a group loan when tracking is done at group member level:

In this case, in addition to rescheduling a loan at group level, we have to rescheduled all group member installments.

When you open the "Reschedule a loan" screen, there is a button "Reschedule Member Dues" which allows you to make changes in the repayment schedule of each group member.

First make the necessary changes for the group loan following the steps above. Then press the "Reschedule Member Dues" button. It will result in the following "Reschedule Group Member Dues" screen.

the amounts for the whole group entered in the previous screen, press the button "Calculate Members Dues". Loan Performer will update all members repayment schedules with the new amounts.

If you want to change some member's due amounts manually, first highlight a member on the "Group Members" list. Then change the values you want by clicking on the appropriate cell in the "Group Member Dues" table and overwriting the old amount with the new one.

In "This member dues" and "All member dues" the changes of total amounts will be reflected. Make sure that the total Principal amount for the group remains unchanged.

When you have made all the necessary changes, click on the "Update Group Dues" button. If all due amounts tally it will be confirmed by the "Update complete" message. Press the button "Back" to return to the main screen and press "Save" to save the changes.

The changes you have made in the "Reschedule a Loan" module will be reflected in all the relevant loan reports. The rescheduled loans can be found in the "Written-off and Rescheduled Loans Report" available at the Loans/Portfolio Report/Analysis Reports menu.

The rescheduling of loan should have the option of calculating the additional interest on outstanding balance instead of the loan amount (for flat rate only) (for additional installments)

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